Stewardship 2024 Pledge Drive

A Stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure

Dear Faithful members of our Community,

As we kick off our 2024 Stewardship Pledge Drive, we urge you to take the time to think carefully and pray about your annual contributions to St. Mary's. As always, for the coming year, we are asking you to make a financial commitment to St. Mary’s as well as a commitment of time and talents in whatever way you can best help our parish. Your generosity allows our wonderful parish to fulfill its Christian Ministry year after year.

We come to you every year with an appeal to fill out a new pledge form, to increase your giving if you can and to join the parish and give if you have not yet done so. It is obvious that the more we give of our financial means the more we can accomplish as a community.  Please consider acknowledging this appeal with a generous pledge to give a percentage of your income so that St. Mary's can expand her ministry and broaden her outreach.

We also know that our programs depend on the participation of our people.  Therefore, we ask that you also consider the importance of participating in the ministries and programs of St. Mary’s with your attendance, time and talent.

 In Christ's love,
   Fr. Antony Hughes


2022 Stewardship Sermon


Make Your Stewardship Pledge Today!

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, we are moving 100% to online electronic pledging. Fill out the online ePledge Form and commit to giving at St. Mary's for 2024:

Make a Pledge


Join Our Parish!

Making a pledge is just one step in becoming a member of St. Mary’s.  If you are not a member of St. Mary’s, please contact us to request a membership form:

Join Our Parish



Frequently Asked Questions


After exploring the following Frequently Asked Questions, if you have any more questions, please contact Charlie, our Stewardship chair at

1) What are the Pledge Guidelines?

Pledges should be based on a percentage of annual income.  The goal is 10% (tithing) with a minimum guideline of 2.5% (one hour’s wage per week). The following chart is available to assist you in determining the appropriate pledge for you:

Income $25,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000
2% $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000
2.5% $625 $1,250 $1,875 $2,500 $3,750 $5,000
5% $1,250 $2,500 $3,750 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000
10% $2,500 $5,000 $7,500 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000


2) What is Tithing?

Tithing is the ancient biblical practice of giving one tenth to God.

“Tithing, like praying and fasting, puts God first and teaches us to trust Him rather than ourselves, as our leader.  When we tithe, God is given the first part, the first tenth of the gifts that He gave to us.  When we tithe, we enter into His ministry at a serious level that will allow the parish and the Archdiocese to minister as they should.  Only when the parish and the Archdiocese operate at a level pleasing to God, can the people receive the ministry that God wants them to have.  Contributing tithes to the Church is different than making a pledge.  Tithes are based on what God has given us, not what we think the local parish needs to operate.  Tithes also represent the first part, not what is left over after we pay our bills and have our recreation.  Tithing represents a significant shift in thinking.  That is why tithing, like praying and fasting, is a spiritual gift that deepens our relationship with God and changes our life.”

     -- Bishop JOHN, referencing remarks made by Metropolitan PHILIP


3) What if my financial situation changes after I submit my pledge?

If your financial situation changes for the better or the worse, you may update your pledge by submitting another pledge form.

4) In addition to financial giving, how else might I get involved in the parish community?

There are many ways to get involved! Please see the following list of ministries in which you can get involved. Perhaps you have another idea where you can dedicate some time to help our parish.



  • Bible Study
  • Adult Religious Education
  • Library
  • Women’s Month Sermons




  • Office Help
  • Computer / Technical
  • Hosting a Coffee Hour
  • Lazarus Sat Church Cleanup
  • Seasonal and Festal Decorations

5) Is there a minimum pledge required for membership?

In 1997, when we were on a dues system, the parish council set the following minimums to be considered a member in good financial standing: $468/yr for adults, $260/yr for seniors, and $156/yr for students.  These are not pledge guidelines (see FAQ #1 above).


6) What if I am experiencing financial hardship?

Please speak with Fr. Antony to discuss your situation.


7) Why should I become a member?

Giving time, talents, and treasure to our parish is essential to it being able to function and fulfill its ministry as a community of Christ. In addition, members of St. Mary’s are able to participate in the parish in a more meaningful way including attending Sunday liturgy during the current pandemic, voting for parish council representatives, receiving discounts for the use of parish facilities, voting at parish meetings, and running for parish council.