Stewardship 2024 Pledge Card

Thank you for participating in the 2024 Stewardship pledge drive! Once you've filled out the pledge form below, we encourage you to use the eGive system for your annual pledge. You may also contact Charlie Marge, our Stewardship Committee Chairperson for more information. If you need help with eGive, download the registration instructions.

1. Name(s):
2. Membership Status:
Current Member(s)
New Member(s)

3. Enter Your E-mail Address (one address only please)

Confirm Your E-mail Address

Please make sure the two entries above match and that your email address is entered correctly.

4. I (we) PLEDGE a total amount of $ per year. (numerals only)

To be considered a member in good financial standing, pledges must meet the following minimum annual amounts: $468 per adult, $260 per senior and $156 per college/grad student. If you are unable to meet the minimums, please speak to Fr. Antony.

Parishioners are encouraged to set their pledge amount based on a percentage of their income, a practice rooted in Holy Scripture known as Proportional Giving.

5. Would you like to participate in Online Giving (eGive):
No, thank you
I'm not sure. Please send me info about eGive

6. Envelopes:
No, I (we) do not need to use envelopes
Yes, I (we) would like to use envelopes

7. I would like to give my time and talents to my parish family in the following ways:

8. Do you have any additional comments that you would like to share with us?

9. If your address or phone number has changed please provide them in the box below.

10. Check the "Recaptcha" Security Box below

To be considered a member in good financial standing, pledges must meet the following minimum annual amounts: $468 per adult, $260 per senior and $156 per college/grad student. If you are unable to meet the minimums, please speak to Fr. Antony.


“We come to you every year with an appeal to sign a new pledge card, to increase your giving if you can and to join the parish and give if you have not yet done so. It is obvious that the more we give of our financial means the more we can accomplish as a community.  Please consider acknowledging this appeal with a generous pledge to give a percentage of your income so that St. Mary's can expand her ministry and broaden her outreach.” 

     -- Fr. Antony Hughes


As always, thank you for your generous support of our parish community.