Special Announcements & Events

Introduction to Byzantine Chant

February 02, 2011
February 11-12, 2011 The Diocese of Worcester and New England is pleased to offer a Pre-Lenten "Introduction to Byzantine Chant" workshop at St. Mary's on Friday February 11, 7:00 - 9:30pm and Saturday February 12, 9am - 2:30pm Read more »

Epiphany 2011- Blessing of Homes

January 13, 2011
The central sign of our acceptance of God's sanctification of the creation is the blessing of the homes of faithful Orthodox Christians. Read more »

On the Violence against Christians in Iraq and Egypt

January 07, 2011
With great sorrow we greet the news that Christians in both Iraq and Egypt have been targeted by Muslim extremists resulting in the creation of many new martyrs. Read more »

The Seventh Annual 2011 Chinese New Year Missions Breakfast

December 24, 2010
At St Mary’s we will celebrate the Chinese New Year on Sunday February 6 with a Chinese Missions potluck breakfast, after the Divine Liturgy, to benefit the Chinese Translation Project via the Orthodox Fellowship of All Saints of China. Read more »

The Holy Synod of Antioch Elects a New Metropolitan for the Archdiocese of Tripoli

October 23, 2009
During this session, the metropolitan who was elected for the archdiocese of Tripoli and Koura, archimandrite Ephrem (Kyriakos), presented himself and was congratulated by the members of the Synod, who congratulated the archdiocese for his selection. Read more »

March is Antiochian Women's Month

January 01, 1970
Our women will be reading the Epistle (1 woman), taking the Collection each Sunday (2 women) and assisting during Communion (6 women). We are inviting all Women of St. Mary Church to be included: If you wish to participate, sign-up on the sheet at the Bengarri or contact Mary Ellen at 781-729-6303 or the church office at 617-547-1234 or e-mail secretary@stmaryorthodoxchurch.org. Read more »

An interview with Frank Schaeffer, author of Patience with God

January 01, 1970
What do you mean by patience with God? I believe that the ideological opposites -atheism and fundamentalist religion-often share the same fallacy: truth claims that reek of false certainties Read more »

Performing Faith: Can you be God’s Actor?

January 01, 1970
This presentation will consider the relationships between creativity and spirituality, in particular, the spirituality of the performing arts from the point of view of an Orthodox Christian. What are the gifts and costs for an actor in the pursuit of a spiritually rich life? Read more »

Regarding the Boston Marathon Tragedy

January 01, 1970
The explosion at the Boston Marathon on Monday rocked the lives of many in our Diocese, especially the young people. Please be assured of our fervent and continued prayers for all the victims of this terrible tragedy and for those who stepped up to help in any way. Read more »

Marriage Seminar at St. Mary's

January 01, 1970
St. Mary will host the first evening of a two-day marriage seminar to be held Friday and Saturday, September 13-14 with His Grace Bishop JOHN. Everyone, married or unmarried, is welcome and encouraged to attend and learn about the Orthodox approach to marriage. Read more »