Sermons from St. Mary Church

The Compassionate Way of Self-Care

November 18, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
No matter how hard we try, we suffer. Sometimes it even seems like the more we try the more we suffer. Resistance is futile and resist we still do! Suffering is a part of life and to deny that is to miss a good portion of it.

Converted to Love

November 11, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
The lawyer came to Jesus to put him to the test and then he found himself put to the test by Jesus. The Lord often did that. By answering a question with a question and following with a parable, Jesus sought to challenge and lead those he encountered to see God more clearly and discern more accurately their purpose in this world.

Unseen Blessings

October 28, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
Jesus encourages us not to hide our scars. He didn’t. Thomas recognizes Jesus by his scars and is invited to reach out and touch them. Jesus was not ashamed of his scars. Nor do we need to be. The saints we call confessors, those who suffered for Christ and who did not die, their wounds were badges of honor.

More than a Religious Rule

September 30, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
What makes the Golden Rule particularly Christian is when we hear the Lord’s unique emphasis. We are not only to be kind. We are to be kind as God is kind. We are not only to love. We are to love as Christ loves. That is, we are to love even if it means giving up our lives. This is what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

Losing Ourselves in Love

September 16, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
I like to speak about the transformation of the internal world for two reasons. First, so few do. And second because the only way to bring the light of Christ to the world is to become the light of Christ.

The Cross Tells Us

September 09, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
True Christianity is edgy and radical. The Cross, writes Paul, is scandalous. The world could not bear the presence of Christ for long. He was a threat to the status quo and he still is. That is why the Church is never more alive than when She is despised and rejected as he was – never more faithful and true to the Gospel than when She speaks truth to power.

The Way of Detachment

August 19, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
Without love, we are nothing, no matter how many laws we obey and how many good works we accomplish. Love is the spirit of the law and detachment that leads to emptiness is the wide open door to eternal life. Unless we are willing to empty ourselves, we will never understand these things.

To the Depths of Sheol

August 12, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
We must know first of all that there is no unforgiveness in God. Unforgiveness is entirely a human thing. We decide to forgive or not to forgive. God always forgives for He is forgiveness itself. The Holy Trinity is an unfathomable ocean of compassion.

Walking into Sacred Space

July 29, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
Christ appeared in his divinity and Peter and the others saw Him and were enlightened. But Enlightenment is not a once and for all thing. It comes moment by moment. Keeping our eyes on Christ every moment, we live enlightened lives. It is a walk, a way of life, and a practice; for the mind likes to return to familiar things and retreat from the insecurity of moving into the unknown.

The Feeding of the 5,000

July 22, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
One thing we must not do is impose our own meaning on scripture. We must always be open to God's voice, ever receptive to being surprised, and to changing our minds. There are many layers of meaning, and, depending on the level of our emptiness, that is, our openness and willingness, we receive what we at any given time are capable of receiving. But there is more. Always more.

The Life and Work of Saint Maria Skobtsova

July 15, 2018 - by Teva Regule
As Christians, we are called to shine forth the Light of Christ in our own lives, illuminating the whole world with the love and compassion of our Lord. The Church gives us models to help guide us in this endeavor—the saints. They are human beings, recognized by the Church as witnesses to the Light of Christ in the world. This week, on July 20, we remember a modern saint—St. Maria of Paris (and those canonized with her)—to whom I would now like to draw our attention.

Go and Sin No More

July 08, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
The problem is that most of us are not even aware that there is an interior life, that it can be observed, and that it can be transformed. Thus, we are disconnected from the spring of living water God has placed within us.

On the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

June 24, 2018 - by Fr. Seraphim Solof
If we are to carry on the work of the prophet John the Baptist who was above all the servant of God, we have to speak the Word of God and we have to point people to God, and the only way that we can do that is if we let Jesus increase and us decrease.

God Works Through Us

June 10, 2018 - by Bishop JOHN
When we forget that it is God working in us and us working in God, we put on all kinds of stress and pressure on ourselves to perform things that perhaps people aren't even expecting us to perform and for us to do.

On the Sunday of Pentecost

May 27, 2018 - by Dn. Jeffrey Smith
Rivers of living water will gush forth from our hearts, rivers of mercy, and rivers of healing, rivers of calm indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This is the promise, revealed today at Pentecost, in an outpouring of wind and fire and a proclamation of the Holy Spirit, promising, but on this day, it leads to a division about where Jesus comes from.

So Plain, So Clear, So Beautiful

May 20, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
At every moment we are called to look within for anything that would keep us from loving without limits. Saints are those who lives are cleared of the debris of selfishness.

A Sense of Wonder

May 06, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
Every time I turn my attention to the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan Women I am astonished. There is no end to inspiration in this magnificent story. This morning I will make just a few remarks bookended by a couple of startling quotes and hope your imagination might be stirred to consider for yourself the depth of meaning here.

The Healing of Thomas

April 15, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
Thomas was deeply wounded by the crucifixion, just as were all the disciples. His questions and doubts arose from feelings of fear, loss and confusion. The parts of him that rose to protect and manage these intense feelings were no doubt on double-duty. His response made perfect sense! We do a grave injustice to Thomas when we fail to acknowledge this.

Palm Sunday: Jesus for the First Time

April 01, 2018 - by Fr. Antony Hughes
There were two processions occurring on Palm Sunday in Jerusalem: the Lord’s entry in humility and lowliness on a donkey, a sign of peace, surrounded by a crowd of peasants and outcasts. The other procession was of military might and imperial authority.

Who Might We Become if We Walk in the Steps of Christ?

March 31, 2018 - by Teva Regule
Today we commemorate the Raising of Lazarus of Bethany, which is celebrated in conjunction with the Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as a short festal interlude between Lent and Holy Week. Today we are invited to walk to Bethany, tomorrow to Jerusalem. Who might we become if we walk in these steps?"