COVID Update - May 11, 2021

Dear Parishioners:

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

The Covid Committee is frequently reviewing the Governor's pandemic orders and information from the CDC to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all. The Committee has decided that it can increase capacity by an additional 20% or total of sixty-five people and maintain social distancing.

The Committee would also like to remind parishioners that:

  • The Committee member at the door will review the procedures with each attendee upon arrival.
  • There is no kissing or touching of icons, including touching and kissing icons while masked.
  • Parishioners need to select a row designated for occupancy and remain in the row. Please do not change rows to avoid touching areas to be occupied by other parishioners. Also, only one household per row.
  • Families need to remain together to maintain social distancing. Everyone is excited to see others and catch up. This should be done outside the church in the fresh air. Please remember there are no windows to open in the church and thus, no air circulation.
  • Please wait for the users to invite you for communion and the dismissal. After receiving communion or the final blessing, do not ross back over the solea.

Fr. Antony and the Committee are striving to ensure that we are not only physically safe and healthy, but that everyone can be at ease that protocols are being implemented and followed. We need to remember not everyone is vaccinated and we need to continue to be vigilant.

Hopefully, we will all be able to worship in person together soon. We thank you for your cooperation.

Very truly yours,
The Covid Committee

Please see our Covid-19 Safety Directives Page for more information.